Blockchain & Bank investing pros & cons
Banks provide real estate investing through (REITs), but you, the investor, have no control over your own funds. Bankers can choose the property they would invest in, choose your payment method, and transactions are not transparent to investors simply (you need to believe what story they tell). In contrast, blockchain offers a wide range of investing control you can vote on which country the investment would be in, chose the property to buy, chose how are you paid.
AVANZO Real Estate Criteria
Highest potential ROI & Potential Growth of ROI over Time are the best opportunities we give to our investors, thus when it comes to picking our assets, we adhere strictly to stringent standards.
Property location value is positively reflected by location and potential future development.
The ratio of value to return (higher better).
Build quality of the asset.
Operating expense to return ratio (lower better).
Relation of land value to age of buildings (lower better).
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